Friday, September 7, 2012


I am evermore amazed at how quickly time passes. I swear it was just the middle of July and I was asking myself where the first half of summer went. This past month especially has been jam-packed with fantastical adventures and they are really only just beginning.

Where do I start? I have mentioned in previous posts my intention to go back to school for my MPA (Master's in Public Administration) degree. Back in May I had an interview for a graduate assistant position working in the Levin College of Urban Affairs at Cleveland State University (where I earned my undergraduate degree). The way I saw it, if I got a graduate assistantship, I would start school in the fall. If I didn't get one, I would wait until spring and hopefully get one then; and if not, oh well. If you are a graduate assistant in the College, they cover 100% of your tuition PLUS a stipend (about $12/hour) for working 20 hours a week. For this reason, the interview I had back in May was so exciting, especially when they called me back and said they wanted to hire me! One small caveat, though: no tuition waiver. WAH-wah. HUGE disappointment! I considered taking the job; but ultimately decided I would probably regret it, and politely turned the job down.

As fall semester crept closer and no more interviews or job offers arose, I deferred my admission to spring semester and resigned myself to at least 6 more months of waitressing.

Fast forward to the week of August 20th -- one week before fall semester -- and I get an e-mail from the director of the MPA program asking me if I would consider attending in the fall if I had a G.A. position. I was thrilled! If they were interviewing this late in the game, and reaching out to someone who wasn't even planning to start until January, I figured there was a very good chance I would get the job. Then I find out the "interview" would be a brief meeting with THREE individuals all seeking an assistant. holymaboley.

Wednesday August 22nd. I meet with the director of the MPA program, the program manager from the Center for Leadership Development, and the director of the Center for Emergency Preparedness. First of all, they were all incredibly kind and non-intimidating types. There was a very relaxed atmosphere in the room, with a side of friendly competition (between the latter two at least). Each of them told me what they do within the College, and what they were looking for in a G.A. Then they asked me a bit more about myself, aside from my resume. Then they asked me which one I would like to work for. The program manager from the CLD and the director of the CEP were kind of going back and forth with "sales pitches" to me about why I should "pick" them. It was pretty ... weird, I guess. I was flattered and a little confused and really, really, really happy. They all seemed to really want me to pick them. I started wondering if there were any other interviewees at all. Of the three, I was most interested in working with the Center for Leadership Development (more about why on another post). It was a little awkward-feeling on my end to verbalize that  because I have such a hard time saying things that people don't like to hear and 2/3 of the room, regardless of my choice, would not necessarily like to hear it.

After shaking hands and some closing remarks, I left the interview room. The door closed behind me, and the three of them began conferring as I walked away. I walked to the elevator feeling confident and competent and wanted and intelligent and valued and oh crap I forgot my purse in the room. D'oh! Hey, nobody's perfect. They must have realized it at just the moment I did because they opened the door from inside just as I turned back toward it and then I

Thursday August 23rd. I was working a double at Houlihan's and feeling pretty fantastic about the day before and hoping to get the good news that I was chosen to work with the Center for Leadership Development. I had sent some thank-you e-mails out before work and was obsessively checking my phone to see if anyone had responded. Finally I saw the lovely little number 1 on top of the Mail graphic on my phone indicating a new e-mail. Excited, I opened it and read:

Hi Maria 
Our circumstances have changed in terms of being able to offer a full graduate assistantship. I'm not sure if you're still considering your graduate degree or if you're still available. 
Please call me so we can discuss this.
D (they used their name, I'm just not disclosing)

This floored me.

All of a sudden I went from having 3 offers the day before, to having

FOUR offers. This e-mail was from the woman I interviewed with back in May who previously could not offer the "full graduate assistantship" meaning, the tuition waiver and the stipend. Un-be-freaking-lievable. I contacted this woman, and the gentleman from the CLD to keep everyone on the same page. I clarified that I wanted the CLD position but had to be assured it was mine before turning down the renewed offer from May. Then, as if things could get any better, the CLD guy tells me he spoke with the other woman, and they agreed on offering me to work in both their centers, 10 hours each per week. In that case, I would be guaranteed to have the position for 2 years.

Mind. Blown.

It was something to think about. I did not want to make a rash decision without having the chance to think about what I really wanted, what I could get out of each option, and what I would risk losing with whatever I chose.

Friday August 24th. I call Rob, the CLD program manager. I express my gratitude for his understanding and willingness to compromise. I tell him how delighted I was to have the option to work in both centers, but that I would be most interested in getting fully immersed in just one and that I would like to work in the Center for Leadership Development. He was just as excited as I was which is how I knew it was the right choice. There were still some logistics to figure out on his end, but by the end of the day on Friday I had received the following e-mail from Rob.

Hi Maria, 
On behalf of the Center for Leadership Development, we wanted to officially extend the offer to join our team as a Graduate Assistant. We are very excited to have the opportunity to work with you and we look forward to your contributions to the Center for Leadership Development. Your main assignment will be to work on the Strong Cities, Strong Communities Fellowship program (SC2 Fellowship). This is a nationwide initiative that will place Fellows in seven cities across the United States. 
Our partners in this initiative include Virgina Tech University and the German Marshall Fund. The program is co-sponsored by the White House and HUD. We will provide much more detail once you get settled in.  
In the meantime, feel free to contact myself or Z with any questions or concerns. Also, could you please plan to stop in the office on Monday to sign your contract and other forms. Please connect with R to complete the appropriate documentation. She is copied on this message and her office number is _____.  
Welcome aboard!

Since reading that e-mail, my life has looked something like this:
Fill out paperwork. Talk to this person. Talk to that person. Sign up for classes. Fill out more paperwork. Sign Master Promissory Note. Buy notebooks. Clean room. Quit job. Talk to financial aid. Paperwork. Buy parking pass. Meet new friends. Sign contract. Take care of 2-year old with fever. Start working. Go to class. Read. Be away from sick toddler for 3 days straight. Buy books. Read. Put gas in car. Do homework. Call this person. Read. Arrange for a speaker to come to this class. Set up this meeting. Read. Go to this meeting. Join this club. Pay this. Print this. Fax this. Read this. E-mail that. Listen. Nod. Learn. Take notes. Breathe. Sleep.

I love it. I couldn't ask for anything more. It's hard being away from Alex Tuesday morning through Thursday night, but I get 4 days off in a row (albeit there is homework but at least I see him). I feel like I'm on the threshold of something really amazing, or maybe it's just that right now is amazing. I am feeling so blessed and positive and I need to let it out somehow or I'm going to explode from goodness! Who wants cupcakes?!

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