Monday, July 16, 2012

The E Word

I've been avoiding this subject.

I know that once I put it out there, I can no longer pretend it doesn't exist. We all know there are two essential parts to any successful weight-loss plan. One is diet. The other is...


Can you sense my excitement? (sarcasm alert)

When I was younger, I loved sports. I played volleyball and softball, plus basketball on two leagues. But that's been over since high school started. In the last few years, I've been to the gym. Mostly when I first moved to Miami. Probably some combination of the "blank slate" feeling of a new city, and the ridiculous amount of thin and fit people there. Since I've been back in Cleveland, I've gotten on the treadmill a total of maybe six times (in six months).

Honestly, the excuses I've made for my diet have got nothin' on excuses I make for not exercising.

If I sweat, then I have to shower; and my hair takes forever to wash and dry.
Gym membership is too expensive.
I'm too busy.
I'll never get the body I want, anyway.
I don't know the right way to exercise.
I chase a toddler all day long.
Yada yada yada...

I know a lot of people can relate because not all of us enjoy exercise. But the thing is, I do believe I can enjoy it. I need to find the right method, that's all.

For me, I think I need to exercise with a buddy or a group. It comes back to being held accountable. I don't want someone necessarily breathing down my neck or screaming in my face, but I don't want to be the only person who is paying attention to what I'm doing. Another aspect is having someone that can instruct me when needed, at the very least to make sure I'm staying safe. Plus, being in a group setting keeps things from being boring. If the workout becomes boring (which is less likely to happen in a group anyway) you can people-watch while you exercise.

Honestly, though, I don't need to wait until I'm in a group setting to get a workout in. In fact, I really just need to look at my Pinterest boards, at the many many many workout plans I've pinned over the last 6 months while sitting on my ass.

Like this one, for example.
Or this one.
Or this.
Or this.
Or this.

I had to stop there because Pinterest is a vacuum and I was getting pulled in. Here's my Be Healthy, Be Happy board. (Enter Pinterest at your own risk)

I bought this Crossfit Groupon for myself the other day. I'm equal parts intimidated and excited. If anyone has experience with Crossfit, please share any tips or wisdom with me. I need to act on this and just call the place already.

My weight has gone down a total of 5.6 pounds. But I still have over ten pounds to lose to reach my short-term goal. And that's still twenty to thirty pounds more than my ideal weight. It's not just about the number. It's about the person I see in the mirror. Whether she weighs 100 pounds or 150 pounds or 200 pounds, if I am not pleased with what I see looking back at me, the battle is not won. For the record, if I ever weigh 100 pounds you should probably get me in to see a really good shrink. The point is to be healthy and confident and proud of myself.


  1. Great post! I agree, being HEALTHY should be the priority- not skinny.
    I also strongly dislike exercising. Strongly. But I found that when I shake up my workouts and do things I enjoy then it goes much better. I read this article the other day that states, "Keep it simple. Keep it fun." Just get your body moving and stay happy! Join a class (have you tried Zumba? It's awesome!). Go on long walks (pushing Alex in a stroller down a bike path). Yoga is also a great workout. Have fun and best of luck!

    1. Thank you Grace :) I tried Zumba a while back and I think I might give it another whirl. I agree that it has to be enjoyable if I'm going to keep up with it.

  2. P.S. I love your blog layout :)

  3. You should come to the gym with me! I know (from your previous posts) that money is tight but we could work out together and stay motivated! Or let me know if you are free in the evenings. I really like running (and by that I mean walking) around Hinckley Lake.

    1. Yay! Yes, money is tight right now, but if and when I do decide to get a gym membership I'll be calling you! (I mean, I'll call you before that too but you know what I mean)
